How a Semi-Truck Jackknifes on Icy Roads (and How to Avoid It) Jackknifing is one of the most dangerous situations a semi-truck driver can encounter, especially on icy roads. It can happen in an instant, leaving the truck out of control and putting the driver and others on the road in serious danger. Understanding why jackknifing occurs and how to prevent it is crucial for safe driving in winter conditions. What is a Jackknife? A jackknife occurs when the trailer of a semi-truck swings out at an angle to the cab, forming an "L" or "V" shape. The term comes from the resemblance to a folding pocketknife. Once a truck jackknifes, it’s nearly impossible to regain control, and the results can be devastating. How Does a Semi-Truck Jackknife on Icy Roads? Jackknifing often happens because of a loss of traction, which is more likely on icy or snowy roads. Here’s how it typically unfolds: Sudden Braking On icy roads, a dri ... read more